Korea- About KIIP (사회통합프로그램)

I·J Global Corp
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Do not miss out this unique program designed for foreigners:)! 

Immigration & Social Integration Network: : www.socinet.go.kr

Schedule for level test (서전평가): https://www.kiiptest.org/main

-PBT and CBT available.

How to register an account on Immigration & Social Integration Network: please refer to the attachment.

Study, Internship and Employment consultation in Japan and Korea

I J Global Corp  

TEL :+82 02-581-4307 / +82 010-4636-2234 

E-mail : ijglobal.t3@gmail.com

KAKAO・LINE:ijglobal.t3 ・ Wechat ID : ijglobal_t3

WhatsApp: +82 010-4636-2234